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Desperadoes Waiting for a Train

I received an email from my pal East Texas Red. Now he was concerned about me, concerned that I was going to run out of train songs, and he wanted to be sure I was going to land on my feet. East Texas Red kindly sent me a site full of mining song videos. I appreciate him looking out for me, but I just want to say I’m not quite done with the train songs just yet.

Today I’d like to feature a Guy Clark song, Desperadoes Waiting for a Train. Here’s Nancy Griffith with some friends…including Mr. Clark. I tried to embed this video as I normally do, but it wouldn’t embed. Maybe it’s some kind of conspiracy designed to thwart my effort to do so. I really don’t know. Maybe it’s my computer. Instead, watch it here.

I was going to post a few different versions of the song, but this one pretty much nails it. He sure writes some sweet songs, that Guy Clark.



  1. East Texas Red

    It’s pretty clear, Mr. Anchovy..that your adoring public is craving Mining tunes..Nice one Mr.Fontinalis

  2. Salvelinas Fontinalis

    Who knew? I figured after this one we just didnt need any more…

  3. Salvelinas Fontinalis

    What?? There is more than one mining song? Yikes! Who knew? I figured once we had one “darn good song for a miner” we wouldnt need any others.

    • Sixteen Tons by Tennessee Ernie Ford
      North to Alaska by Johnny Horton
      The Mountain by Steve Earle and the Del McCoury Band
      Dark as a Dungeon by Merle Travis
      …need I go on?

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